Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quick update

Here's a quick update on what I have been up to this week:
  • finished scouring notes from sources related to my current project that I had read awhile ago
  • read several relevant essays and took more notes
I now have four more sources I would like to read (all four are ones I had not anticipated on reading, but my most recent research has led me to them).  Then I have another book I need to reread before I will feel ready to put my paper together.  

Part of all of this additional research is bothering me because before I know it, the month will be over and I really want to get going on this project so I can have the paper finished.  I guess I am feeling impatient.  For now, I'll keep plugging away.


  1. But look at how much you have already accomplished! I guess it's difficult to NOT look at the calendar while you compare it to what you feel still needs to be done. As with any time-worthy project, you are right on to keep plugging away. It will be exciting to see/read your final paper!

  2. Victoria, don't get discouraged. Even if you aren't able to have the finished paper by the end of the month, it's not a big deal. You'll have it when you've completed what you need to do to make it! Don't be impatient. All good things take time--and are worth the time. You're doing fantastic!xxxo
