Despite a very sluggish week last week, this week has been awesome. I am feeling better (had a bad chest cold last week), and I have been getting a ton of work done. (And it is only Wednesday!)
I had a rush of motivation/inspiration/panic/whatever and finished my remaining goal for the month of January--to prepare an essay for submission to a well-regarded journal. (And it is only January 11, not even the halfway point of the month!) I just sent the required documents, including the revised essay, by email to the Editorial Manager of the journal. I feel very good about the work I have done on this particular essay. I have been working on it for years, having started it when I was on sabbatical leave in 2008. I have presented the research in the essay at two conferences, and I have read, re-read, and revised the essay probably hundreds of times. I hope this creative academic endeavor is successful!
Good for you! I'm sure it will be a successful creative academic endeavor!