So I got a slightly later start than I would have liked this morning--at 8:10 rather than 8:00. So my research hour became a 50-minute research session. But better 50 minutes than no minutes at all I suppose.
I kept working on revisions for my current essay, which I hope to submit somewhere for publication by the end of this month. I have a list of things to tackle so the process is simple (but not easy). It feels good to check things off a list. And today I checked off six items that needed some sort of revision so that's good.
Back to it on Friday. . . .
Good for you for hanging in there and using the 50 minutes because it IS better than no minutes. I need to start making more of a list so I can check off things and feel like I accomplished things. OR write down what I actually did versus thinking of the things I didn't do (yet). Hey, check out my blog and see a note I posted from Grandpa :-)