Monday, March 26, 2012

end of month update and some new ideas . . .

I have been progressing, little by little on my research tasks.  Still working on the same paper/project revisions, but making some headway.

I did not have a research session this morning because I was enjoying the last little bit of time I had with my mom, who was visiting from St. Louis, before I had to take her back to the airport.

So the next few weeks will be a bit different for me because Kate is away, on an exciting road trip to the southwest.  You can follow her adventures on her blog.

While she is away, I decided to schedule one or two 3-hour composition sessions (generally on Thursday and Sunday evenings) per week.  I chose evening times because I will need my piano and I don't want to bother my upstairs neighbors earlier in the day (they are night owls).  I don't know exactly what music I want to write, but I hope to journal on some instrument combinations/ideas and plunge into my first composition session this Thursday from 6-9 pm.  I am hopeful that I will begin to form a habit.  Since Kate will be away for three weeks, I figure that is the perfect amount of time to form a new habit that will hopefully stick!

I plan to continue my MWF research hours in the morning though it means getting up even earlier in order to walk the dog before I get ready for the day.  My most immediate research goal is getting ready for my presentation in Belgium at the end of next month.

In the meantime,  I'd better close in order to get to this morning's music theory class on time.


  1. It sounds like you have some set plans and goals. That's good. Hope you form your habit!

    1. Thanks, Aunt Lynn. We will see how it goes. I'm in a bit of a slump with the Artist's Way, meaning that I haven't done anything but journal in over a week. How about you?
