Friday, June 29, 2012

Past week's log

It has been a good week, work-wise, because I engaged my research project every day, which is my goal.  I also started writing music again, after a longer-than-I'd-like-to-admit hiatus.  Here are the details:

Mon. 6/25
RESEARCH PROJECT: 60 minutes, revised 3.5 pages

Tues. 6/26
RESEARCH PROJECT: 16 minutes, revised 6 pages

Wed. 6/27
COMPOSING: 73 minutes, wrote about 24 seconds of music
RESEARCH PROJECT: 30 minutes, revised first 3.5 pages again (they are rough!)

Thurs. 6/28
RESEARCH PROJECT: 25 minutes, revised/added to 2 pages

Fri. 6/29
COMPOSING: 74 minutes, wrote about 18 seconds of music
RESEARCH PROJECT: 33 minutes, revised/added to 2 pages

164 minutes spent revising 17 pages of prose
174 minutes spent composing 42 seconds of music

Friday, June 22, 2012

The past fortnight's activity

Well, well.  I guess when I said I would stop posting so often, I meant it.  I never posted last week either because my schedule was too full.  I spent a week in downtown Cincinnati grading AP music theory exams, which was a blast but also very taxing!  Then I flew back to NH just to spend two long days driving west back home to St. Paul.  We got back last night, and today was my first "normal" day back into something resembling a regular routine.  I missed writing four of the past ten working days (M-F), which is too bad, but since I was traveling, I cut myself a break.  Here's the rundown:

Mon. 6/11: 47 minutes, 2.5 handwritten pages
Tues. 6/12: 22 minutes, 2 handwritten pages
Wed. 6/13: 24 minutes, 2.5 handwritten pages
Thurs. 6/14: 18 minutes, 2 handwritten pages
Fri–Sun 6/15–6/17: nothing

Mon. 6/18: 21 minutes, 2 handwritten pages
Tues. 6/19–Thurs. 6/21: nothing
Fri. 6/22: 73 minutes total (24 freewriting, 2 handwritten pages + 49 minutes revising)

I hope that next week will be more productive and regular.  I am looking forward to Monday because I will meet with my writing circle to review a few pages of each other's writing.  

Friday, June 8, 2012

Summary for this week

So I am moving toward weekly posts instead of posting daily.  My weeks will run Saturday to Friday, with weekly posts on Friday.  Here's the rundown:

Sat. 6/2: 197 minutes, 6 pages
Sun 6/3: day off, no writing
Mon. 6/4: 156 minutes, 6 pages
Tues. 6/5: 88 minutes, 4 pages
Wed. 6/6: 67 minutes, 4 pages
Thurs. 6/7: 35 minutes, 2 paragraphs (about 1.5 pages)
Fri. 6/8: 40 minutes, 3 paragraphs (about 1.5 pages)

TOTAL minutes spent writing new prose: 583 (that's nine solid hours and 43 minutes)
TOTAL number of pages written: 23

These are pretty good numbers and encouraging to me.  Plus, my first draft for my current project is finished!  Up next week will be the arduous process of revising and developing my ideas further.  Through writing the first draft, I have discovered a lot of gaps in my thinking and ideas I simply need to think more about and develop further.

I will be grading AP music theory exams next week so my writing/revising time will be quite limited, but my goal is to write/revise for a minimum of 15 minutes a day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Log for today

4:32 pm, opened document
5:50 pm, stopped

Totals: 88 minutes, typed 4 new pages of prose

I am thinking about publishing posts less frequently since I have a "writing circle" that I email my progress to daily.  Perhaps a weekly summary/reflection on what I have done each week. . . . Not sure, we shall see.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Log for today

I've been working hard today.  I am bummed that we have had so much cold, rainy weather here in New Hampshire, especially when I am supposed to be on vacation, but it has been good for my academic productivity.  Here are the details:

Total number of minutes spent writing: 156 
Total number of new pages written: 6

That will be all for today.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Log for today

I know it is the weekend, and I usually try to take the weekend "off" from my creative academic pursuits, but it has been raining hard ALL DAY in New Hampshire, and I figured I would make the most of the time indoors.  Here are my totals for today:

197 minutes
6 pages of new prose and figures

That's a little over a half hour per page, which seems slow to me, but I am writing my analysis now, which includes a lot of technical details and figures that are time consuming.  Plus, I am working out my thoughts on a few aspects, too, since this is a work in progress.  Sometimes I will start to write something that I think is true, and then I listen again to the music I am writing about and question my original idea.  Anyhow, writing about music can be tedious, but it is also fun.  In what other line of work, besides DJing like my brother does, would I get to listen to such awesome pop songs all the time and have it count as work?!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Log for yesterday and today

Just because I didn't create a post yesterday doesn't mean I didn't write.  Here are the details:

5/31, 1:13 pm opened .doc
2:57 pm stopped
total: 104 minutes; 4.5 pages of new prose

6/1, 2:27 pm opened .doc
3:56 pm stopped
total: 89 minutes; 4 new pages of examples and prose

Not too shabby.