Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quick update

Since classes resumed on Monday, I am back to a MWF 8–9 am research schedule.  The only change since last fall is that I am having my sessions at home rather than at my office since I am teaching in a classroom closer to where I live and farther from my office (gives me an extra 15 minutes).  So far, this has worked out fine.

I am working on my "February goal," which will take me at least through the end of February.  I am doing MAJOR revisions of an essay, which has not been accepted yet for publication anywhere.  I am hopeful that after this next batch of significant revisions, it will be ready for submission somewhere.  I am in the stage of freewriting about certain issues that I need to clarify and make more explicit (to myself and more importantly to the reader) and gathering some new sources to back up a few claims I make without a whole lot of support.

Time to go teach.  


  1. YAY, good for you. Keep on. I'm doing MAJOR revisions myself, although what I'm working on is MUCH longer :-)!

    1. Thanks for the support, Aunt Lynn. YAY for you, too. :)
