Friday, August 10, 2012

Hello, August . . . I'm back!

After a delightful vacation to South Africa, I have resumed my regular summer work schedule.  My activities now include: 

  • my regular research/writing/revising sessions
  • reading relevant literature (the goal is one article per day, but I haven't been as productive on that front);
  • preparing my courses for the fall semester;
  • composing, when I'm so moved (I need to pick a new project because right now I am just doodling on my staff paper); and
  • practicing piano!*
*NB The highlighted items are what I am logging on this blog, to keep myself accountable. 

Before I left for South Africa, I finished writing a piece for solo piano, which I am going to perform at my department's Faculty Gala Concert on September 22 to celebrate the opening of our new beautiful building, the Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center.  So my daily tasks now include practicing so that I will be ready to perform in six weeks.  To keep myself accountable, I have been logging the time spent practicing each day.

So here is the summary of my work this week:

Monday 8/6
RESEARCH: 35 minutes; cut 217 words; revised 2.5 pages
COMPOSING: 150 minutes; revised two movements; set one movement in Finale

Tuesday 8/7
RESEARCH: 62 minutes; wrote 2.5 pages
PRACTICED: 74 minutes

Wednesday 8/8
RESEARCH: 48 minutes; revised 3 pages . . . but my revision added 149 words.  Pity.)
PRACTICED: 42 minutes
COMPOSING: didn't keep track, but it was well over 120 minutes; finished setting the final movement in Finale

Thursday 8/9
COMPOSING: 28 minutes; tried to write something new--about 4 measures of not-my-best music
RESEARCH: 57 minutes; revised 13 pages; cut 247 words
PRACTICED: 100 minutes

Friday 8/10
RESEARCH: 43 minutes; cut 869 words
PRACTICED: 72 minutes

And just for the record, this week:
Minutes spent writing or revising my research: 245
Number of pages revised or written: 21 
Minutes spent working on my composition: 298+
Minutes spent practicing piano: 288


  1. You are on a roll. Congrats on getting to perform your solo piece for your new building. Wish I could be there to hear it! I'm sure it will be beautiful!

  2. Looks like you've come back eager, aggressive, and refreshed. Why didn't you tell me about the solo piece when we talked this morning? You are so humble. Congratulations...wonder if I can manage my way to St. Paul again to attend. Would love to hear it!
    Great accomplishments!
