Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mid-April Update

Here's what is on tap for me.  I am not holding myself accountable for daily 15 min. writing sessions until after I return from Belgium in May.  I am using my time now to prepare for my presentation, which doesn't require any writing.  That's what I did yesterday, and it is also what I intend to do with my scheduled research sessions through Wed. morning.  We leave for Belgium on Wednesday so I probably won't post again until after we return in May!

Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

  1. You have a great time in Belgium. Geez, didn't realize you were going already! Hope to get a postcard from you :-), hint hint. But if you're busy, I understand. However, if Kate could find a bit of time when you're busy with your presentation, then... maybe... don't mean to be so demanding! he he he.
