Thursday, May 3, 2012

And we're back!

I had a great time in Belgium.  My conference presentation went pretty well, and I also managed to have some fun, too.  (Kate has a post about our trip on her blog, if you are curious about the non-academic portion of the trip.)  I got some helpful feedback, and I have already made some changes to my working draft as a result.  I was delighted that Deborah Stein, author of Poetry Into Song, who gave the second keynote address at the conference, attended my talk.  Afterward she asked me if I planned to turn this project into a book, which I had not considered.  I have been focused on making it into a journal article, but her question got me thinking that maybe I should consider writing a letter of inquiry and book proposal for the project.  Regardless, I really want to get this project "out there" through publication, and I would like to accomplish this before I go up for tenure review next year.

So I am back into my somewhat normal routine, though classes have ended.  This means that my goal for every day is to write or revise for at least 15 minutes.  After all of my responsibilities for the academic year end, I will spend the bulk of my time (6 to 8 hours) each day on my research projects.

Log for today:
9:39 am listened again to song that is part of my project in order to revise an example; reorganized some files to find what I needed
9:48 am revised example for paper
10:10 am finished this revision

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely going to carve out time, like you're doing, to really focus. I'm way to scattered. Like now, I should be writing, but I'm catching up on everyone's blogs and... poof, hours have gone by.
    Glad your presentation went well, and it sounds like a book should be your focus perhaps.
