Saturday, May 5, 2012

Log for today

While I am giving the final exam for my Music Theory 2 class ( which is still going on), I had my daily research session.  Here's the rundown:

8:32 am opened document
9:08 am finished revising/proofreading entire document (30.5 pages from where I left off yesterday); got document ready for submission (removed metadata with my name and institution & made .pdf, etc.)
9:22 am sent the essay to a reputable, peer-reviewed journal!

So now this project is, once again, out of my hands.  The journal I submitted this essay to is known for being somewhat slow with its turnaround (I should know, I used to co-edit it!) so I will need to be patient.  But it definitely feels good to have it off my plate for now.

If this publication attempt fails, I will take it as a sign to take the project into a new direction (such as a book).  But let's hope it doesn't fail!


  1. Best of luck in getting it published! Good for you!

  2. I am excited for you and confident it will be published. You are so thorough, knowledgeable, and talented!
